Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Are We Still Alive????

Are we still alive????
When I look around in the crowded mess hall, I let my imagination wander.....
I am really good in proposing weird and hard-to-believe theories but when these theories are actually read twice and thought over for sometime; people start realising that they actually have some possibilities......
One such theory came to my mind after watching a movie called PASSENGERS. (It’s a good movie, worth a watch!  )
Energy ..... We have read about so many forms of it, we know every law of its conservation and conversion. It rules the world. But have we seen it? Wouldn’t it be easier if it were visible? We believe of things and phenomenon which we don’t see and derive laws controlling it!! How strange! This shows how limited we are as humans!! 
Einstein proposed that everything in the world is relative, which implies that nothing is absolute!!We have a limited sense of perception if we do not accept the existence of extra and super-human forces in this universe...
Coming back to my theory, which is based only and only on my imagination.
There exists another huge galaxy called the not-so-milky way...Its location is unknown to humans.It lies zillions of miles away on the other side of a blackhole....There in that universe there are crores of stars .One such star is called the PUN ;which is 1000 times bigger than our SUN. It emits an unknown spectrum of light. Pun controls many other planets not by gravitation, but by sonic forces unknown to earth-humans . In one of these planets, (which is exactly similar and astoundingly as well progressed as our earth)there are inhabitants (lets call them the other people) who resemble the humans every inch....they are exact replicas of the earth-humans but relatively much ahead of our times and having senses more powerful than ours!! It seems that when these other people die, they are born on our earth as humans....
We on earth, ignorant of this...assume we are all alive and as we have no memories of our past life, this assumption is confirmed!! When we die on earth we’ll go into another world in some other universe; this process has no end!!!!!!
After reading this theory; do you think we are alive?

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