Sunday, December 19, 2010

Journalism:a modern tool to alert people

Everything evolves and only the fittest survive: an apt observation by Darwin...
Just as someone asks a famous economist "Indian economy is sure to be boosted in 2011, isn't it?"
If I were in that economist's shoes I wouldn't be pessimistic; nor would I induce a false hope.India has surely been growing, but how far is this growth inclusive?
When our nails grow, do we say we are growing???
But one thing is evolving as a tool to overthrow governments,if need be...That one powerful tool when wielded at the right time, towards the right people ;it is sure to bring forth a cleaner and healthy country.Journalism has always been such a tool; but after those initial freedom fighting years when it was used to inspire people to fight against intruders; it has only been in snooze mode waking up intermittently, revealing facts of less importance while concealing some major facts.But today as we look at the newspaper we see information, which we wouldn't have imagined.News channels today reveal information which shakes and pressurizes governments, the judiciary and thus upholding the basic principles of democracy.
I hope this helps us realize the inherent faults in the system and to correct them ....
Be it Wikileaks revealing underground US diplomatic cables or our own version on a national scale the infamous Radia tapes; people get to know what actually is happening in the big bad world of corporates, politics,terrorism etc...
The anthem of this period is surely: "Evolve,Enrich and Enlighten".In addition to these there is another word that might come in this list "Entertain" :) ....

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